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Magic Micromoments: Step away from the acronyms!

Updated: Feb 24, 2021

"I know! Let's MBWA!"

A few years ago, I was working with a MNC on a 'managing with emotional intelligence' training project. The program worked with leaders at every level, from the factory floor to the C-suite. As I worked my way up the food chain, I saw a pattern emerge. At every level, each of the leaders cared deeply about doing the right thing and desperately wanted to know what people needed but were uncomfortable taking off their 'manager's mask' to have authentic conversations. No one felt heard by the people above them, but they also weren't able to see the link that when they had the position of power in a conversation they were also hiding behind acronyms and management 'tools'.

Once I got to the C-suite, we talked about how they were all in the same building and shared a common canteen, but sat at literal and metaphorically 'different tables'. We discussed how they needed to have more face to face interaction with employees at every level and suddenly, one guy blurted out "I know! Let's MBWA!" MBWA- Manage by walking around. My response "No! No acronyms. No strategy. Just go sit down and have a conversation like two human beings!" How many of us hide behind a fancy tool or acronym, when what people actually need is to be really listened to?

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